Richard Rhonda Fine Art : The Trusted American Painting Seller In Seattle

Just like the rich heritage of American history, the American art world is diverse and rich. The mid-19th and early 20th centuries were the times of Impressionism and Modernism. Several American artists were influenced by Impressionism and Modernism, and presented new ideas and not "old tendencies through their artwork. The period opened the door to freedom of expression in art. Being slightly Euro-centric, the American artwork of the mid-19th and early 20th centuries consists of portraits of everyday life and landscapes. Throughout this complicated, transformative century and a half, American painters recorded everyday life as it changed around them, capturing the temperament of their respective eras, and defining the character of people as individuals, citizens, and members of ever-widening communities. Renowned American artists like John White Alexander, George W. Bellows, Cecilia Beaux, Emil Carlsen, John La Farge, William Sergeant Kendall, Eastman Johnson, Willard Metcalf, Ed...